Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Beauty In Beast Mode: Fitness Blender Beginner HIIT Workout Cardio & Toning

Hello, my Pretties!

This is my first OFFICIAL Beauty In Beast Mode fitness blog post!  Yay!!

Tonight, I decided to do something different and new.  Lately I have been a slave to my treadmill but not tonight.  Tonight I did my first HIIT workout.

I found Fitness Blender on YouTube and so far I am loving all of the workout videos they have to offer.  You see, if you have the internet, you don't even need gym membership!  Check out Fitness Blender on YouTube by clicking HERE.

Here was tonight's workout:

Here are tonight's results:

It took me 21 minutes and 16 seconds to complete a 4 minute warm up and 17 minute workout.  In those 21 minutes, I burned 144 calories (according to my Polar FT4).  And I sweated...a lot.

Overall thoughts on this Fitness Blender Beginner HIIT Workout:

I liked it!  I suggest you do this workout as soon as you are done reading this blog post!  Priorities, people, haha.  It wasn't difficult at all.  It worked up a little sweat, got the heart rate going, felt those ab muscles and thighs tighten up so all in all, it's good!

Like I said, you don't even need a gym membership if you have the internet.  There are so many workout videos out there for you to do and it's FREE!  I definitely plan on doing more of these online workouts so stay tuned to see what else I find for you guys.

And there you have it.  My first fitness post.  Did you guys enjoy it?  Be honest!  I love sharing my workouts with you all because it keeps me motivated to keep going and accountable for my progress.  I don't want to fail with so many eyes on me!

I'll leave you with a little FITSPIRATION:


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