Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Hello, my Pretties!


Yes, we have finally made it (or already made it, depends on how you look at it) to 2013.  Personally, I think 2012 went by way to stinkin' fast.  It was a pretty great year and I was sad to see it go but I am totally excited about what 2013 has in store for me!

So, as I say Happy New Years to you, I say HAPPY BLOGGERVERSARY to me!  Yay!!  Another year of beauty blogging under my makeup belt.  I am so excited to be celebrating my second year as a beauty blogger.  I had dreams of reaching 300 subscribers by today but I fell short by 9 subbies.  Not a problem.  I am beyond thrilled to have all of YOU!  The love and support you all have shown me has exceeded my expectations.  I thank you!

If you follow my blog regularly, you have noticed I have not posted regularly.  Haha.  The year was a crazy one.  Busier than ever!  I scripted 206 blog posts in 2011 and only 100 in 2012.  That is a huge difference!  Where in the world was I??

My real life got in the way.

A lot happened in my life in 2012.  Most of it good.  Some of it great!  Haha.  There were also the down times but that is all in the past.  The best thing about a new year is the hope that it instills in us.  For some reason, it's OK to have a sense of new beginnings and high hopes in our hearts.  Every new year is a chance for us to mentally and emotionally erase the past and start all over.  A clean slate.  It's too appealing.

I have grown a lot this past year.

I feel so different in my heart, my mind.  I want so much more out of my life than I have ever wanted before. In 2011, I resolved to start a blog.  I did.  Check!  In 2012, I resolved to start a YouTube channel.  I did.  Check!  In 2013...

I want to be a better me.

Simple as that.

There is so much to do in life that it is overwhelming.  I want to read more.  I want to write more.  I want to buy more makeup!  Haha.

I want to start and MAINTAIN a healthy lifestyle.  I want to be a better mother and partner.  I want to learn to crochet.  I want to shop more!

I want.  I want.  I want.

I want so much out of my life.  I turned 31 on December 21st and I have never felt so amazing!  I love getting older.  I just wish that the amount of years I have in me matched the amount of experiences I have.  I feel I have lived so long to not have LIVED at all.

I have been thinking that in 2013, as a part of becoming a better version of myself, I should post more on my blog than just makeup related posts.  Makeup is such a huge part of me but, there is way more to me than what I put on my face.  I want to matter.

I want to be someone.

Someone well rounded.  Educated.  Talented.  Important.

This is such an amazing time in all our lives!  I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure I feel this excited and hopeful every day of my life.

I wish the same for you.  May 2013 be better to you than 2012.  May all of your dreams come true.  May you be loved and happy, safe and healthy all the year through.

Thank you for sticking by me for one more year.  But don't go anywhere...



  1. awee happy new years dol. i want to loose weight as well haha and a whole buncha other thingss

    1. Happy New Years, honey! I agree! Soooo many things I want to do and accomplish this year. I'm overwhelmed! LOL. As long as this year isn't worse than last year then I'll be fine :)


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